A Panel on "Gaza" was Organized at MAKU

Yayın Tarihi | 23 May 2024, Thursday

Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (MAKU) organized a panel to draw attention to the oppression in Gaza. The panel, which took place in the Associate Professor Dr. Necati Avcı Conference Hall, was attended by Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Dalgar, Provincial Director of National Education Muhammed Özdemirci, Dean of the Faculty of Theology Prof. Dr. Yasin Pişgin, academics, and students.


The panel started with a moment of silence and the National Anthem, followed by Dr. Fatih Cankurt's recitation of the Quran. In his opening speech, Dean of the Faculty of Theology Prof. Dr. Yasin Pişgin stated that the oppression in Gaza has been ongoing for 230 days and they wanted to make a note in history by organizing this panel. Pişgin stated that more than 10,000 children lost their lives in Gaza and the same number of children were amputated. He emphasized that this oppression has passed as a black stain in human history.


The Palestine Issue is Everyone's Issue Who Has Even a Bit of Conscience


In his speech at the panel, MAKU Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Dalgar, invited Palestinian students to his side and shared his feelings and thoughts with the students. Rector Dalgar, stating that he evaluated the issue from his own perspective alongside his valuable teachers who will explain the religious and humanitarian aspects of the issue, emphasized that the genocide and human drama taking place in front of the world in the 21st century is not only Turkey's problem, but a common problem of all humanity. Dalgar said, "The Palestine issue is an issue that everyone with even a bit of conscience should be sensitive to and react to."


Addressing the youth, Rector Dalgar stated that they need to develop themselves in accordance with the conditions of the modern world while adhering to national and spiritual values. "If we are a country that has advanced in science and technology, we can be a country that can respond more strongly to genocides that will occur in the future and say stop. Our duty is to work hard to ensure that such a world does not exist in the future, to become a developed country, and especially to become a country capable of stopping this oppression in the Muslim geography.” he said.


Dalgar, stating that the world's dominant powers turn a blind eye to the ongoing genocide for their own interests, referred to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's words "The world is bigger than five"; “It is not acceptable for an organization called the United Nations, supposedly established to ensure the peace, order, and tranquility of the world, to remain silent to such oppression.” He said.


In his speech, Rector Dalgar stated that they always stand by Palestinian students and often express their reactions to this oppression as a university. Dalgar emphasized that they do their best to make Palestinian students feel at home. During his speech, Rector Dalgar also gave the floor to Palestinian students, asking them to share their feelings and thoughts on the subject.


Upon Rector Dalgar's invitation, Palestinian students Gıhadır Hamada, Sali Nemex and Ghaida Hamada expressed their deep sadness about the oppression in Gaza and their desire for it to end as soon as possible. The Palestinian students, expressing their gratitude to Turkey, emphasized that Turkey has always been by their side. The students, who stated that they have difficulty communicating with their families and relatives and that they are in very difficult conditions, thanked Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University for its sensitivity to the issue. Emotional moments were experienced during their speeches.


In the panel aiming to create awareness on the Gaza issue and to provide a new perspective to the audience on this issue, Dr. Necati Aykon presented on "The Holy Homeland Palestine in the Light of Verses and Hadiths", Dr. Osman Eraslan on "The Fate of Palestine in the Social Arena", Dr. Abdullah Turhan on "The Religious and Political Ground of Genocide" and Prof. Dr. Orhan Gürsu on "The Psychological Reasons of Genocide".